micro journal

Played the piano and wrote a song. Walked after sunset and took the moon’s radiance into my being.

Played the piano and wrote a song. Walked after sunset and took the moon’s radiance into my being.

A misty moon, purple clouds, and a little junco joined in parallel play today.

Snowflakes, fast moving clouds, and moments with the sun.

A day of beautiful transition.

The day was gone, so I went out to talk to the moon and the winter trees.

The day was gone, so I went out to talk to the moon and the winter trees.

A day of math-ffirmations. Pondering equations of life.

To run the oaks in a city park is splendid.

To run the oaks in a city park is splendid.

The even and odd shadows that are cast on us - define the light.

Mathy thoughts of recursive subtraction and sums.

Thinking of music in 7/4 today - I need to write it down.

I woke up to 6 bluebirds at dawn and saw two snipes at dusk. I am grateful for the sun along the Willamette River.

A beautiful day, a mindful meditation, and an intimate conversation with a crow.

The intensity of some looks...

The intensity of some looks...

A friend reaches wide for a hug.

A friend reaches wide for a hug.

A hyperfocused day, but a nice walk in the sunshine.

Bushtits everywhere! The sun beckons me earlier each morn.

The moon has been beneath my feet for the past few days. I want a glimpse.

A friend reached for Saturn.

A friend reached for Saturn.

I find myself being molded by what I chose to note and observe.

I watched sea-foam skate, rocks make comet trails in waves, and oystercatchers dodged a wave.

Some trees remind you of how young you are.

Some trees remind you of how young you are.

I took a moment to stop thinking and just knit with a soft wool green yarn.

Walking meditation - 8 steps as I breathe in and 7 as I breathe out - this must be my polyrhythm.

A misty day - in many ways.

A reflecting day.

I watched fluffy robins bathe vigorously in the birdbath.

A walk with a friend, a finished hat, existence contemplated.

A thought today: What is it to hold the geometry of self? What are your faces, vertices, edges? Your Chirality?

A walk in the fields at night was just delightful. The birds, Jupiter, the waxing moon, and cackling geese filled my soul.

A walk in the fields at night was just delightful. The birds, Jupiter, the waxing moon, and cackling geese filled my soul.

Oh my crows - I am grateful you are here with me.

Oh my crows - I am grateful you are here with me.

Robins bring me to a present moment.

Robins bring me to a present moment.

Puddles reflect forest by my muddy feet. A moment of awe.

The sun is out! Went for a walk where the river overflowing takes the trail and the kingfisher calls.

The wonders we find on walks:

The wonders we find on walks:

Reading and knitting all day.

Reading and knitting all day.

Tea, code, reading, and a walk. Over 18 goldfinches together - such communal bathers. I saw the moon! Finally the clouds opened enough.

A foggy day - mentally and physically.

A foggy day - mentally and physically.

I didn't realize turkeys go door-to-door.

I didn't realize turkeys go door-to-door.

A swollen river brought the end of so many paths to me. A point of reflection and birdwatching while retracing my steps - A walk of capillaries.

A long stretch and time for doodles.

Oh moss - you amaze me - a world within a world.

Oh moss - you amaze me - a world within a world.

A day of sorting books and decluttering while it drizzles. Yellow-rumped warblers chase each other and the wind nudges for attention every now and then.

I saw 8 northern harriers hunting together - what a sight! Also - lot's of northern shoveler tails.

I saw 8 northern harriers hunting together - what a sight! Also - lot's of northern shoveler tails.

Games of Splendor, drive-by birding, and a walk in the sunshine with my mom by a lake.

Rainy walk + pumpkin soup + mint tea - a simple day

I saw a light in the forest. Practicing contentment today.

I saw a light in the forest. Practicing contentment today.

Sometimes I feel like I live in a painting.

Sometimes I feel like I live in a painting.

My red oak friend's arms hold a habitat of moss an ferns that greet me on my walk with soggy shoes. I glimpsed the blue sky for a moment today.