this thought

surely has been

and will be thought again

fractals of humankind’s musings



held between clouds

and this mountainous earth

draws my presence into the light


this light

that catches clouds

as they blow quickly by

brings a winter glow - golden and



with your orange

and red hues in winter

looking out my window at birds


scrub jay

hide your gems there

in the pots on the porch

or in the moss of the oak tree



brings us to light

from depth of the mind

an awareness of being - breath

and sight


I hear you there

with your peeps and your squeaks

passing berries along the line

such play

just play

that game and smile

be the child that you are

be the naturalist, a seer

of life

oh moon

where have you been?

the earth beneath my feet

and the clouds above obscure you

come back

I run

with the breath of

so many runners that

ran generations before me

of time

here snipe

my friend at dusk

hiding in the tall grass

a gift to see you here today



you have sent me

a dearest friend - a crow

to bless me with conversation

I smile


you send us birds

for our winters to watch

visitors to lighten the grey

a joy

these oaks

among golden

grasses and marsh

diffuse the sunlight in forest

to awe


stitch knit and purl

form a message of warmth

with your loving hands create this


to love

that moment when

you become aware that

you are thinking differently now

- to learn

up there

in the branches

you can perch at sunset

to soak in those last beams of light

for warmth


you hoot in trees

with my ears between you

please tell me of your day as the

sun sets


of yourself and this

earth in which you exist

kissing the ground with your being

in thanks

like rocks

that wash ashore

for but a single tide

you find yourself in a moment

be here

these fields

of your mind - soul

have grasses that whisper

to the robins of your heart - to


my bird

my little bird

I love to watch you play

the absolute joy of a bath

is light


is when this mind

stops hearing all the sounds

both internal and external - then

it's quiet

breathe out

between the trees

in the mists of quiet

thoughts - present and yet of nothing

breathe in

a day

for pausing - breathe

a day to watch your thoughts

to contemplate the little things

and clouds

ist forms

on evening

condensing on the last

golden glow of winter's warm light


soft wool

between fingers

forms loops of a structure

that leans, folds, manifests through nodes

and links


connects these feet

these arms, this body here

to nature, to the spirit, mind

in beats

you moons

oh, jupiter

shine brightly next to ours

on this winter night - geese in flight

this sky

tree tops

fill with your calls

from one to the next tree

passing the moon, catching the sun

in flight


branches reach out

in the cold evening

towards the last light and waxing moon

to touch


you play on wind

feathers in a river

of current - an eloquent dance

with clouds

you root

deep in this ground

to bring yourself to sky

letting currents of wind flow through


small friend

I see you there

my ruby-crowned kinglet

as you flit and dance in the moss

at dusk


between fingers

is but a medium

to be sculpted with lines of code


this mind

drifts to beauty

even as my body

walks through these woods – fantasy in



this obscured road

focuses the present

hidden are the future and past

in clouds


you are so full

from the gathering rain

flowing from the fabric folds of

this earth

just stop

and wait right here

for a moment - listen

and the birds might just manifest

in song


in this stretch here

of self, of mind, body

to find the areas to work on

and grow


is now a state

of mind only - not ears

a deliberate practice - breathe

to quiet

the wind

flows through branches

carrying scents of sea

of mountains, of forest, of life

a dream


is now a state

of mind only - not ears

a deliberate practice - breathe

to quiet


you clever bird

hiding, waiting, watching

for the right moment to take flight

and eat

a break

in clouds this night

to sneak out the backdoor

and glimpse at stars - celestial


my friend

sits in my oak

and observes this small home

every morn, coffee with a crow


mist sits

in this valley

in a space between light

at dawn with the moon looking on

in thought

this rain

is an ocean

that has changed its state - form

and travelled the sky - just to be

with you